Students’ practice of generating and testing hypotheses is a helpful learning strategy in all content areas because it requires the learner to engage in higher order thinking. Technology allows students to focus their time interpreting data (as opposed to gathering it), thereby greatly enhancing the process. One technology tool that does this are Data Collection Tools. Once the student has researched a problem and formed a hypothesis, they can be used to collect data that either confirms or denies them. While most hypothesis forming and data collection strategies seem to be geared towards the science classroom, such applications can also be implemented in the language arts classroom and in the library. One novel that our 8th grade language arts classes read every year is The Outsiders, a story that centers on gang activity and social conflict. During the novel unit, students can form hypotheses about gangs--why they are formed, why someone would want to join one, and about the existence of gangs in the community. Data collection tools, such as Survey Monkey, can then be used to gather data from peers and local law enforcement officials. Once the data has been collected, students can examine it and use it to confirm or deny their hypotheses. In the library, I can use data collection tools to find circulation information (such as the most checked out book, the oldest book, etc.) and have students form hypotheses about the answer.
A second technology tool that allows students to practice generating and testing hypotheses is Web Resources. There is a vast array of interactive games and simulations available that allow students to form hypotheses about situations and then see the outcome in the virtual world. Making History is a strategy game that engages students in the events leading up to World War II. This would be a fabulous way for students to gain a deeper understanding of the Holocaust, a unit that is taught in 8th grade language arts concurrent with their reading of Night. Such a simulation game could be implemented as part of any historical fiction novel unit. When our 7th graders read The Watsons Go to Birmingham, such a resource could be used to immerse them in the South during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. Simulation games draw the learner directly into the action and allow them to become key players in historical events and hypothetical situations; as a result, students are able to see why certain decisions were made and what the ramifications of different decisions are. Our “digital natives” already have a strong gaming and virtual background; web resources allow them to engage in something that they find entertaining while they develop important higher order thinking skills.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Chapter 10: Homework and Practice
In an educational environment, homework and practice are important to the process of learning because they give students the opportunity to review and apply what they have learned. Technology aides in these processes by allowing teachers and students to get the most out of their homework practices. Web Resources, one technology tool, give learners the opportunity to practice and refine skills and concepts form their homes or classrooms. Many students enjoy the educational games they can play as a way to have fun while they are learning. The immediate feedback that they give is just one big advantage to online educational games that can be accessed from a students home, the public library, the school, or anywhere that provides computers with internet access. Our students are “digital natives” and playing games online is second nature to them; it only makes sense for us, as educators, to take advantage of their affinity for this. One web resource that my campus is in the process of acquiring is web-based AR (Renaissance Place), a web based program that tracks student reading comprehension via their independent reading, to allow students to take AR quizzes and earn AR points from home. The current system is server-based, so it has many limitations that include only offering students the opportunity to take AR quizzes from a campus computer. Renaissance Place provides a web based resource for students to complete their reading requirements from home. Like some web resources, however, the migration to Renaissance Place is very costly and that remains our biggest obstacle for acquiring it.
Communication Software is a second technology tool that facilitates with homework and practice. Whereas collaborative projects that require some outside-of-the-classroom time can become cumbersome when the communication is done via e-mail (which involves multiple versions of the same document and each member overwriting one another), communication software makes such collaboration much more organized and streamlined. Writeboard is an internet based computer software that offers multiple users the ability to modify and edit a single document (similar to the way a wiki works), all while allowing users to track the changes that have been made. There are also other free software (like Backpack) that further allow students to work collaboratively by sharing notes, calendars, etc. Such communication software can be implemented in the language arts classroom (or any curriculum content area for that matter) any time that a group project is assigned. Students no longer have to worry about organizing and rearranging their schedules to set up a common meeting time. Group meeting, with the help of communication software, can be conducted at each individual member’s convenience. This is a powerful alternative because it allows group homework and collaborative projects to be done at the convenience of each individual.
Communication Software is a second technology tool that facilitates with homework and practice. Whereas collaborative projects that require some outside-of-the-classroom time can become cumbersome when the communication is done via e-mail (which involves multiple versions of the same document and each member overwriting one another), communication software makes such collaboration much more organized and streamlined. Writeboard is an internet based computer software that offers multiple users the ability to modify and edit a single document (similar to the way a wiki works), all while allowing users to track the changes that have been made. There are also other free software (like Backpack) that further allow students to work collaboratively by sharing notes, calendars, etc. Such communication software can be implemented in the language arts classroom (or any curriculum content area for that matter) any time that a group project is assigned. Students no longer have to worry about organizing and rearranging their schedules to set up a common meeting time. Group meeting, with the help of communication software, can be conducted at each individual member’s convenience. This is a powerful alternative because it allows group homework and collaborative projects to be done at the convenience of each individual.
Chapter 9: Identifying Similarities & Differences
Having students identify the similarities and differences in the materials and concepts that they are learning acts as a powerful instructional strategy because it challenges them to restructure their understanding of the content and leads to a deeper understanding of the material. Technology gives us tools that we, as educators, can use in the process of teaching students to identify similarities and differences--primarily tools that are used to create graphic organizers. Every computer at my campus has Microsoft Word, so Word Processing Applications are a readily available tool that can be used to create graphic organizers that represent the similarities and differences in concepts. The Drawing toolbar of Word can be used to draw and create a variety of templates to organize similarities and differences--diagrams, charts, and other graphic organizers. The comparing and contrasting of text is a TAKS objective in 7th and 8th grade language arts; students are expected to be able to compare and contrast two similar reading passages. Word processing applications offer teachers and students a way to electronically organize such information visually, helping learners to better see and understand how two passages are alike and different.
A second technology tool, Organizing and Brainstorming Software, is created specifically for the purpose of organizing information and offers many methods of facilitating in the identification of the similarities and differences of many concepts. Since software such as Inspiration must be purchased and licensed, some schools may find the expense to be cost prohibitive. If this type of software is available, however, it can be used very effectively to reinforce the concept of comparing and contrasting. The application of organizing and brainstorming software (such as Kidspiration and Inspiration) is so powerful because it provides a visual portrayal of the similarities and differences of concepts (e.g. Venn diagram, comparison template). Inspiration even comes with a Book Comparison feature that is specifically designed to compare and contrast literature. This feature could be used in so many different ways in the classroom to reinforce the concept of identifying similarities and differences, an important (and often very challenging) learning objective. In the library, such software could also be used to reinforce this learning objective by drawing comparisons and contrasts between literary genres, information literacy concepts, and other library concepts.
A second technology tool, Organizing and Brainstorming Software, is created specifically for the purpose of organizing information and offers many methods of facilitating in the identification of the similarities and differences of many concepts. Since software such as Inspiration must be purchased and licensed, some schools may find the expense to be cost prohibitive. If this type of software is available, however, it can be used very effectively to reinforce the concept of comparing and contrasting. The application of organizing and brainstorming software (such as Kidspiration and Inspiration) is so powerful because it provides a visual portrayal of the similarities and differences of concepts (e.g. Venn diagram, comparison template). Inspiration even comes with a Book Comparison feature that is specifically designed to compare and contrast literature. This feature could be used in so many different ways in the classroom to reinforce the concept of identifying similarities and differences, an important (and often very challenging) learning objective. In the library, such software could also be used to reinforce this learning objective by drawing comparisons and contrasts between literary genres, information literacy concepts, and other library concepts.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Chapter 8: Reinforcing Effort
Although different people attribute success to a variety of sources, individual effort is the one source that is the most within an individual’s control and is, therefore, the source that educators are most concerned with. Reinforcing effort is an important instructional strategy because it allows learners to understand the relationship between effort and achievement, thereby making them responsible for their success. One technology tool that allows educators to facilitate the learners’ tracking of their efforts is Spreadsheet Software. Using a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel allows students to track the effects of their efforts on their success rather than insisting that individual success lies in external factors beyond their control. A teacher created spreadsheet template can be created that students access and fill in with their individual efforts. In the language arts classes, a large portion of each student’s grade comes from the attainment of AR reading points. A spreadsheet for students to track their time spent reading in the classroom, at home, and the number of points they earn each grading period would be an effective way for them to see how much time they spent reading and how it affects their grade. Such a system gives students a systematic way to clearly see how their grade is earned, as opposed to feeling like it is an arbitrary number the that the teacher “gives” them.
Another tool from technology that aides in reinforcing effort are the various Data Collection Tools available to educators. Data is a powerful way to provide evidence of how each students’ effort directly effects their achievement. Giving students recognition is a powerful way of reinforcing effort; data collection tools and technology allow us to move beyond bulletin boards and verbal teacher comments. Along with the aforementioned ways of providing recognition, educators can use the school website to show photographs and examples of students working and tell student success stories. In the library, we can post names of students who make the Reading Team along with a recognition of top point earners. Surveys can be used to gain insight into issues surrounding student effort. I would like to create a student survey that examines the issues of reading to find out why do students like to read, why don’t they like to read, what obstacles do they face in becoming avid readers. I could then use this information to provide motivation (effort) and recognition.
Another tool from technology that aides in reinforcing effort are the various Data Collection Tools available to educators. Data is a powerful way to provide evidence of how each students’ effort directly effects their achievement. Giving students recognition is a powerful way of reinforcing effort; data collection tools and technology allow us to move beyond bulletin boards and verbal teacher comments. Along with the aforementioned ways of providing recognition, educators can use the school website to show photographs and examples of students working and tell student success stories. In the library, we can post names of students who make the Reading Team along with a recognition of top point earners. Surveys can be used to gain insight into issues surrounding student effort. I would like to create a student survey that examines the issues of reading to find out why do students like to read, why don’t they like to read, what obstacles do they face in becoming avid readers. I could then use this information to provide motivation (effort) and recognition.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Chapter 7: Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy where students work in groups to enhance their learning, thereby formulating new knowledge via their peer interaction. Multimedia is a technology tool that presents various opportunities for educators to employ cooperative learning. The nature of creating a multimedia project is complex and multi-faceted, so this is a task that naturally lends itself to cooperative learning. Whether it’s a video or PowerPoint presentation that is being created on a particular topic, it is important for the educator to provide rubrics and organizers as tools to keep the learners on task. It is also important for the project facilitator (the teacher) to assign tasks and student roles and responsibilities. In the library, I can see multimedia projects being created to promote books-- book teasers and “trailers” that are displayed on the campus television network seem like an effective way to give new and popular books exposure. This is a very plausible idea because my campus has immediate access to video cameras, editing software, and Power Point.
A second technology tool that facilitates collaborative learning are Web Resources. The nature of the internet creates a “connected” climate, so it only makes sense that web resources make collaboration easier among learners. Such technology is a powerful tool in collaborative learning because is allows students to work together and communicate without actually being face to face in the same room. An everyday resource like e-mail can be used for students in a group to communicate with each other and plan, discuss, and execute a classroom learning project. E-mail can also expand student groups beyond the school campus; it can be used to reach out to students in the next town or state (or even country) to form discussion groups. Another web resource, WebQuests, are teacher designed pathfinders that streamline students’ navigation of the internet when researching and exploring a particular topic. They are effective to use when introducing a new concept or study unit such as a novel. In the library, I plan to create a WebQuest that explores concept in information literacy. It will lead students to biased websites on certain subjects and help them to evaluate their research sources.
A second technology tool that facilitates collaborative learning are Web Resources. The nature of the internet creates a “connected” climate, so it only makes sense that web resources make collaboration easier among learners. Such technology is a powerful tool in collaborative learning because is allows students to work together and communicate without actually being face to face in the same room. An everyday resource like e-mail can be used for students in a group to communicate with each other and plan, discuss, and execute a classroom learning project. E-mail can also expand student groups beyond the school campus; it can be used to reach out to students in the next town or state (or even country) to form discussion groups. Another web resource, WebQuests, are teacher designed pathfinders that streamline students’ navigation of the internet when researching and exploring a particular topic. They are effective to use when introducing a new concept or study unit such as a novel. In the library, I plan to create a WebQuest that explores concept in information literacy. It will lead students to biased websites on certain subjects and help them to evaluate their research sources.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Chapter 6: Summarizing and Note Taking
Two important and related learning strategies are summarizing and note taking. These two processes are higher order thinking skills because they require learners to synthesize information and put it in their own words. With the help of technology, the practice of note taking can be turned into a learning experience in and of itself. Technology also offers support with the skill of summarization.
Word Processing Applications are one technology tool that provides learners with an avenue to strengthen summarization and note taking skills. Summarization is a vital learning objective in the language arts classroom, so the features that word processing applications offer can act as learning aides to help students master this often challenging skill. I like the concept of rule-based summarizing because it gives learners a process and structure to follow when trying to distill the important points of a chunk of information. The Track Changes feature of Microsoft Word allows users to follow the steps of rule-based summarization while visually seeing the changes that are made. I think that this will prove to be an effective way to help students see how the summarization process takes them from a lengthy chunk of information into a more concise form. I didn’t know about another feature that Word offers--the Auto-Summarize tool. This, too, can be utilized in the classroom. Students can be given a piece of text that the teacher has already entered into Word and be asked to summarize it on their own. They can then see what Auto-Summarize comes up with and compare it to their summary.
Technology also gives us many Web Resources that can be accessed to assist with summarization and note taking. Most of these websites use a collaborative approach that allows students to work with one another when practicing these skills. This approach offers a valuable perspective because many educators approach the concept of summarization and note taking as an individual endeavor. Research tells us that students can increase their sense of understanding of difficult concepts when they work through them collaboratively, so using these web resources really offers educators an opportunity to more effectively teach concepts. Some of these resources are free, so all that the classrooms need are computers with internet access. Students can be divided into groups and then guided to these web resources. One website that I like is NoteStar because it allow students to take research and information from the internet and assists them in organizing it; the MLA or APA citations that it offers are also a valuable asset to student research because it shows them the proper way to cite sources. Think Tank is another free resource that educators can use to help students gather information and summarize it. Students can be introduced to the web resources at the beginning of a study or research unit and then allowed to explore and choose the one that is best for their project.
Word Processing Applications are one technology tool that provides learners with an avenue to strengthen summarization and note taking skills. Summarization is a vital learning objective in the language arts classroom, so the features that word processing applications offer can act as learning aides to help students master this often challenging skill. I like the concept of rule-based summarizing because it gives learners a process and structure to follow when trying to distill the important points of a chunk of information. The Track Changes feature of Microsoft Word allows users to follow the steps of rule-based summarization while visually seeing the changes that are made. I think that this will prove to be an effective way to help students see how the summarization process takes them from a lengthy chunk of information into a more concise form. I didn’t know about another feature that Word offers--the Auto-Summarize tool. This, too, can be utilized in the classroom. Students can be given a piece of text that the teacher has already entered into Word and be asked to summarize it on their own. They can then see what Auto-Summarize comes up with and compare it to their summary.
Technology also gives us many Web Resources that can be accessed to assist with summarization and note taking. Most of these websites use a collaborative approach that allows students to work with one another when practicing these skills. This approach offers a valuable perspective because many educators approach the concept of summarization and note taking as an individual endeavor. Research tells us that students can increase their sense of understanding of difficult concepts when they work through them collaboratively, so using these web resources really offers educators an opportunity to more effectively teach concepts. Some of these resources are free, so all that the classrooms need are computers with internet access. Students can be divided into groups and then guided to these web resources. One website that I like is NoteStar because it allow students to take research and information from the internet and assists them in organizing it; the MLA or APA citations that it offers are also a valuable asset to student research because it shows them the proper way to cite sources. Think Tank is another free resource that educators can use to help students gather information and summarize it. Students can be introduced to the web resources at the beginning of a study or research unit and then allowed to explore and choose the one that is best for their project.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Chapter 5: Nonlinguistic Representation
I was very interested to learn about nonlinguistic representation as it is not a concept that I was all too familiar with. According to the text, knowledge is stored in two forms-- linguistic (language) and nonlinguistic (images and sensations). Most often, new information is presented in linguistic form. With the help of technology, educators can facilitate students’ use of nonlinguistic representation, thereby having a positive effect on student achievement.
One technology tool that can be used to access nonlinguistic representation of concepts is Multimedia Applications. Multimedia applications such as movies/videos and presentations are frequently used in classroom instruction. Most often, however, they are teacher created and presented to the students. Research tells us that if we can flip that process and have the students actually create the presentations they are more effective. In the library, I can envision students creating presentations over books that they have read. Student-created presentations in any curriculum area involve research, so this would present an opportunity for the library to provide a lesson on information literacy and copyright. The Power Point program is installed in all of the computers at our campus, so the students have easy and available access. Multimedia applications also give educators the opportunity to engage students in nonlinguistic representation via student-created animations that can also be done on PowerPoint. I think that this particular application would be appealing to many of our students with an interest in art and graphic design. I have never considered using Power Point to create animations, so I am excited to play around with it and see what I can do. Movies and videos can also be created to formulate nonlinguistic representation of a concept. I like the idea of students creating “movie trailers” of books as a means of getting the word out about our library collection and inspiring students to read.
There are also many Web Resources that lend themselves to the nonlinguistic representation of concepts. There are many sites that offer computer simulations of concepts. It seems that the majority of such websites are geared towards math and science, but there are some applications for the library program and language arts classes. One resource that the book lists is Surviving Everest, an interactive site where students can explore what it’s like to climb Mount Everest. In the library, such a site could be used to promote adventure books such as Peak by Roland Smith. As the librarian, I could introduce the site to students and allow them to explore it. Then I can follow up their multimedia simulation with a short book talk about a variety of adventure books in the library. Language arts teachers could similarly use such sites to introduce novels that are read in class. Other web resources offer resources on Clay Animation in Power Point and Digital Storytelling, both which offer valuable opportunities for nonlinguistic representation.
One technology tool that can be used to access nonlinguistic representation of concepts is Multimedia Applications. Multimedia applications such as movies/videos and presentations are frequently used in classroom instruction. Most often, however, they are teacher created and presented to the students. Research tells us that if we can flip that process and have the students actually create the presentations they are more effective. In the library, I can envision students creating presentations over books that they have read. Student-created presentations in any curriculum area involve research, so this would present an opportunity for the library to provide a lesson on information literacy and copyright. The Power Point program is installed in all of the computers at our campus, so the students have easy and available access. Multimedia applications also give educators the opportunity to engage students in nonlinguistic representation via student-created animations that can also be done on PowerPoint. I think that this particular application would be appealing to many of our students with an interest in art and graphic design. I have never considered using Power Point to create animations, so I am excited to play around with it and see what I can do. Movies and videos can also be created to formulate nonlinguistic representation of a concept. I like the idea of students creating “movie trailers” of books as a means of getting the word out about our library collection and inspiring students to read.
There are also many Web Resources that lend themselves to the nonlinguistic representation of concepts. There are many sites that offer computer simulations of concepts. It seems that the majority of such websites are geared towards math and science, but there are some applications for the library program and language arts classes. One resource that the book lists is Surviving Everest, an interactive site where students can explore what it’s like to climb Mount Everest. In the library, such a site could be used to promote adventure books such as Peak by Roland Smith. As the librarian, I could introduce the site to students and allow them to explore it. Then I can follow up their multimedia simulation with a short book talk about a variety of adventure books in the library. Language arts teachers could similarly use such sites to introduce novels that are read in class. Other web resources offer resources on Clay Animation in Power Point and Digital Storytelling, both which offer valuable opportunities for nonlinguistic representation.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Chapter 4: Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers
Once educational goals have been established along with methods of giving feedback and recognition, it is time to design the means of facilitating learners in their acquiring and integrating of knowledge. it is recommended that advance organizers be used as an effective way of doing this.
One technological tool that can be used to create such organizers are Word Processing Applications. I particularly like this tool because it is so readily available and accessible on school computers. Nothing fancy or expensive is needed; all computers, both student and teacher, already have the software for Microsoft Works, PowerPoint, and Publisher--all tools that can be used to create advance organizers. In the library and language arts classrooms, these tools can be used to create expository advance organziers such as brochures to advertise novels. They can also be used to create narrative advance organizers in the form of articles or book reviews; graphic advance organizers can also be created by designing book covers or posters (akin to movie posters) that advertise the book. I also see potential in using a word processor's table-feature to create note-taking organizers. A template could be created that lists the important literary elements that need to be defined in a novel (e.g. setting, conflict, characters, etc.) that the students fill in as a novel or story is read.
There is also actual software that is designed to organize information: Organizing and Brainstorming Software. This technology tool is especially useful in allowing educators to give explicit cues to learners when introducing a new concept or beginning a new unit of study. The value of giving an explicit cue is that it essentially tells students what they are about to learn. Such software, such as Kidspiration, can be used to cue and question students, thereby effectively introducing a novel. My school's 8th grade language arts classes all read the novel Night as part of a unit on the Holocaust. Kidspiration could be used to cue students about the unit and then ask essential questions that prompt students to give their background knowledge on the Holocaust. As such software enables educators to give students a sense of what they are about to learn while offering visual aides and multimedia resources to address a variety of learning styles, it can be a very powerful tool in learning. The biggest obstacle that I see to implementing such software is that it may be cost prohibitive in some schools.
One technological tool that can be used to create such organizers are Word Processing Applications. I particularly like this tool because it is so readily available and accessible on school computers. Nothing fancy or expensive is needed; all computers, both student and teacher, already have the software for Microsoft Works, PowerPoint, and Publisher--all tools that can be used to create advance organizers. In the library and language arts classrooms, these tools can be used to create expository advance organziers such as brochures to advertise novels. They can also be used to create narrative advance organizers in the form of articles or book reviews; graphic advance organizers can also be created by designing book covers or posters (akin to movie posters) that advertise the book. I also see potential in using a word processor's table-feature to create note-taking organizers. A template could be created that lists the important literary elements that need to be defined in a novel (e.g. setting, conflict, characters, etc.) that the students fill in as a novel or story is read.
There is also actual software that is designed to organize information: Organizing and Brainstorming Software. This technology tool is especially useful in allowing educators to give explicit cues to learners when introducing a new concept or beginning a new unit of study. The value of giving an explicit cue is that it essentially tells students what they are about to learn. Such software, such as Kidspiration, can be used to cue and question students, thereby effectively introducing a novel. My school's 8th grade language arts classes all read the novel Night as part of a unit on the Holocaust. Kidspiration could be used to cue students about the unit and then ask essential questions that prompt students to give their background knowledge on the Holocaust. As such software enables educators to give students a sense of what they are about to learn while offering visual aides and multimedia resources to address a variety of learning styles, it can be a very powerful tool in learning. The biggest obstacle that I see to implementing such software is that it may be cost prohibitive in some schools.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Chapter 3: Providing Recognition
Along with issuing feedback, it is important to provide recognition to learners as they work towards their educational goals. One technology tool that helps educators provide recognition to students are Multimedia. Research shows that teacher-issued recognition is most effective in positively influencing students' attitudes when it is both concrete and personalized. Technology gives us tools to do just that. There is (oftentimes free!) software available that easily creates personalized certificates, banners, and cards--all concrete forms of recognition. In my opinion, the simplest method would be using the free templates available for Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. I could create a different template for each accomplishment (Reading Team member, Reading Point Goals, etc.) and then it would be as simple as entering the student name into the template and printing it. I have the software on my computer at school and with access to a color printer, attractive personalized and concrete recognition can be issued to my students when they achieve certain goals. Teachers in any subject can use these tools to create concrete forms of recognition that are unique to their classroom goals.
Alongside using Multimedia to create concrete and personalized forms of recognition, Web Resources are another technology tool that can be used to provide recognition. Once these certificates are created, electronic copies can be e-mailed to parents as a form of parent contact. All too often, educators find themselves only contacting parents when there is a negative issue that needs to be addressed. E-mailing parents these certificates or cards provides educators with a quick and easy way to establish positive contact and let the parents know about the successes of their children. Next year, I plan to create a certificate for students who make the Reading Team; I'll give the student the hard copy and then e-mail a copy to their parents to let them know the good news. Another web resource that lends itself to providing recognition are the web showcases and picture galleries. On the library page of my campus website, I am going to list students who have made the FIS Reading Team. Classroom teachers can also use these resources to display electronic copies of their certificates and showcase exceptional student work along with photographs of student projects.
Alongside using Multimedia to create concrete and personalized forms of recognition, Web Resources are another technology tool that can be used to provide recognition. Once these certificates are created, electronic copies can be e-mailed to parents as a form of parent contact. All too often, educators find themselves only contacting parents when there is a negative issue that needs to be addressed. E-mailing parents these certificates or cards provides educators with a quick and easy way to establish positive contact and let the parents know about the successes of their children. Next year, I plan to create a certificate for students who make the Reading Team; I'll give the student the hard copy and then e-mail a copy to their parents to let them know the good news. Another web resource that lends itself to providing recognition are the web showcases and picture galleries. On the library page of my campus website, I am going to list students who have made the FIS Reading Team. Classroom teachers can also use these resources to display electronic copies of their certificates and showcase exceptional student work along with photographs of student projects.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Chapter 2: Providing Feedback
Once educational goals are set, an important step to reaching those goals is providing feedback. When learners are given information regarding their performance and progress, they are better suited for improvement. Timeliness is a vital component to feedback: its impact is greatest when it is more immediate. Technology gives educators many resources to facilitate immediate feedback; two of these are Data Collection Tools and Communication Software.
Data Collection Tools are very valuable because they enable one teacher to simulateously give immediate and personalized feedback to a classroom full of students. The Data Collection Tool that I see the most potential for is the Classroom Response System that collects student responses (and data) via the students' use of clickers. Even though they rely solely on multiple choice questions, the questions can be written in a variety of different ways so that all skill levels and information can be assessed. I envision using a Classroom Response System in the library to survey readers' interests and assess student knowledge on research strategies and information literacy skills. One thing that I really appreciate about the Classroom Response System is the anonymity that provides the learners. I imagine that using this tool would be much like watching a game show on television and playing along. Once the students' answers are submitted, they are immediately shown the correct response and they can compare their response to the correct one.
A second technology tool that provides timely feedback are those that fall under the category of Communication Software. There are many types of communication software and it is easy to see why they are called that--they all facilitate communication among people. I particularly like the idea of using blogs in an educational setting. Because their nature encourages readers to leave comments and replies to individual posts, they are effective in providing feedback. I think that a "What I'm Reading" type of blog would be an effective way to spread the word about new books in the library; readers could post reviews to the books that they've read, thereby providing feedback. Such a blog could also be used as a forum to recommend different book titles; students could post what types of books they like and readers could leave feedback about other books they've read that may be of interest. Blogs could also be implemented in our language arts department as many of the classes require students to keep a Reading Response Journal that contains responses to open-ended questions about the books that each student is reading. Rather than use an "old fashioned" journal, students could post blog entries that other students and the teacher could respond to. I also like the use of wikis in educational settings because they are so collaborative in nature. Teachers can oversee student group wikis and chart their progress while seeing first-hand each person's contribution. On a professional level, wikis are also very valuable in that they can be used as forums for discussion. There are two big obstacles, however, that I see to fully implementing blogs and wikis in our district. The first issue is that of availability of computers. The second issue is that many blog and wiki sites are blocked by the district filter.
Data Collection Tools are very valuable because they enable one teacher to simulateously give immediate and personalized feedback to a classroom full of students. The Data Collection Tool that I see the most potential for is the Classroom Response System that collects student responses (and data) via the students' use of clickers. Even though they rely solely on multiple choice questions, the questions can be written in a variety of different ways so that all skill levels and information can be assessed. I envision using a Classroom Response System in the library to survey readers' interests and assess student knowledge on research strategies and information literacy skills. One thing that I really appreciate about the Classroom Response System is the anonymity that provides the learners. I imagine that using this tool would be much like watching a game show on television and playing along. Once the students' answers are submitted, they are immediately shown the correct response and they can compare their response to the correct one.
A second technology tool that provides timely feedback are those that fall under the category of Communication Software. There are many types of communication software and it is easy to see why they are called that--they all facilitate communication among people. I particularly like the idea of using blogs in an educational setting. Because their nature encourages readers to leave comments and replies to individual posts, they are effective in providing feedback. I think that a "What I'm Reading" type of blog would be an effective way to spread the word about new books in the library; readers could post reviews to the books that they've read, thereby providing feedback. Such a blog could also be used as a forum to recommend different book titles; students could post what types of books they like and readers could leave feedback about other books they've read that may be of interest. Blogs could also be implemented in our language arts department as many of the classes require students to keep a Reading Response Journal that contains responses to open-ended questions about the books that each student is reading. Rather than use an "old fashioned" journal, students could post blog entries that other students and the teacher could respond to. I also like the use of wikis in educational settings because they are so collaborative in nature. Teachers can oversee student group wikis and chart their progress while seeing first-hand each person's contribution. On a professional level, wikis are also very valuable in that they can be used as forums for discussion. There are two big obstacles, however, that I see to fully implementing blogs and wikis in our district. The first issue is that of availability of computers. The second issue is that many blog and wiki sites are blocked by the district filter.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Chapter 1: Setting Objectives
In a learning community, it is important for both educators and students to set goals and objectives that establish a "direction for learning." Just the act of setting goals and following steps to realize them provides a valuable life skill. Technology offers educators many tools to facilitate the setting of goals and objectives.
One of these tools are Word Processing Applications. Creating a document electronically (as opposed to manually) allows it to be disseminated electronically via e-mail, a website, etc. In the classroom and library, learning contracts, classroom/library policies, and classroom/library procedures can be made accessible to both parents and teachers on the web or through e-mail. This is a valuable option because most educators realize that most hard copies of important documents have a way of getting lost or misplaced between the school and the home. I also like that word processing applications give educators the option of creating a standard document template (such as a learning contract or KWL chart) that can be saved on the school server for students to access, modify, and save as a new document for the teacher to access. This helpful feature can also be used in the library. A template for book reviews, library expectations, feedback, etc. can be placed on the server for students to complete and e-mail or post for the librarian.
A second technology tool that can be utilized for the setting of goals and objectives are Data Collection Tools. This particular tool particularly speaks to me as a librarian because an ever-present goal of mine is for our school collection to provide quality literature that is appealing to my students. Surveys, such as those available on Survey Monkey (the survey website that I am personally most familiar with) can be valuable tools for me to assess the student needs and wants of my collection. I could set up a survey that students take on their library day that collects data regarding aspects of literature that they are interested in--things like genre, current events, social topics, etc. On the other end of the spectrum, data collection tools like surveys could be created to help students identify the types of literature that they may be interested in. One of the challenges of my position is to inspire a love of reading; I sincerely believe that students who don't like to read just haven't been matched up with the right book. Data collection tools can help me assess the interests of my students and allow me to make that perfect match.
One of these tools are Word Processing Applications. Creating a document electronically (as opposed to manually) allows it to be disseminated electronically via e-mail, a website, etc. In the classroom and library, learning contracts, classroom/library policies, and classroom/library procedures can be made accessible to both parents and teachers on the web or through e-mail. This is a valuable option because most educators realize that most hard copies of important documents have a way of getting lost or misplaced between the school and the home. I also like that word processing applications give educators the option of creating a standard document template (such as a learning contract or KWL chart) that can be saved on the school server for students to access, modify, and save as a new document for the teacher to access. This helpful feature can also be used in the library. A template for book reviews, library expectations, feedback, etc. can be placed on the server for students to complete and e-mail or post for the librarian.
A second technology tool that can be utilized for the setting of goals and objectives are Data Collection Tools. This particular tool particularly speaks to me as a librarian because an ever-present goal of mine is for our school collection to provide quality literature that is appealing to my students. Surveys, such as those available on Survey Monkey (the survey website that I am personally most familiar with) can be valuable tools for me to assess the student needs and wants of my collection. I could set up a survey that students take on their library day that collects data regarding aspects of literature that they are interested in--things like genre, current events, social topics, etc. On the other end of the spectrum, data collection tools like surveys could be created to help students identify the types of literature that they may be interested in. One of the challenges of my position is to inspire a love of reading; I sincerely believe that students who don't like to read just haven't been matched up with the right book. Data collection tools can help me assess the interests of my students and allow me to make that perfect match.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Vision of K-12 Students Today
As a digital immigrant, it always helps to be reminded of the needs of our students-- the digital natives. Because they were brought into a world with such a ubiquitous digital landscape, their expectations and needs are fundamentally different from the needs and expectations of my primary education.
As educators, most of us are digital immigrants--we weren't born into such a digital world but we have had the awesome experience of watching it come to be. Unlike my students, I can remember a time when there was no internet and the only phones that we used were connected to the wall by a three-foot cable.
This, however, does not excuse my obligation to them. As an educator, I must stay current on technological trends so that I can speak their "digital" language. Particularly compelling to me was the part in the video that said that most of the jobs my students will have have do not even exist yet. Wow!
The only way to properly and effectively educate our 21st century learners is to teach them to use the myriad technological tools that they have at their disposal.
As educators, most of us are digital immigrants--we weren't born into such a digital world but we have had the awesome experience of watching it come to be. Unlike my students, I can remember a time when there was no internet and the only phones that we used were connected to the wall by a three-foot cable.
This, however, does not excuse my obligation to them. As an educator, I must stay current on technological trends so that I can speak their "digital" language. Particularly compelling to me was the part in the video that said that most of the jobs my students will have have do not even exist yet. Wow!
The only way to properly and effectively educate our 21st century learners is to teach them to use the myriad technological tools that they have at their disposal.
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