Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thing #9

After using several search tools to locate RSS feeds, I have found that there are definitely some that I prefer more than others. My favorite was Google blog search; perhaps I prefer it the most because I'm so familiar with Google's formatting. While I enjoy using my Google reader account to stay updated on library practices and technology, I especially look forward to reading the blog posts about new literature and book reviews. When exploring these variety of search tools, I used the same search query for each one: "middle school literature." Google blog search returned the most relevant results; I particularly like one blog that I subscribed to called "A Year of Reading."
The search tools that I like the least include Blogline, Topix, and Syndic8. I found the formats of all of these confusing and not very user-friendly. With Blogline, the focus seemed to be the advertisements. Topix seemed to be focused on the news and Syndic8 was just not my style (my search returned zero results).
When searching for blogs to add to my Google reader account, I will probably use Google blog search most often. It is, however, nice to be aware of the many search tools that are available.

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